Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Thursday, February 20

Thursday, February 20


 Phonemic Awareness 
Blend: in, sit, win, lip
 Segment: it, big, him, kid
 Visual Drill
      Graphemes: a, m, s (/s/, /z/), t, p, f, n, d, c, g, b, k, h, r, l, w, j, y, x, qu, v, z
Auditory Drill
  Phonemes: a, m, s, t, p, f, n, d, k (c, k), g, b, h
Blending Drill 
mad to sad to sat to at to am to an to fan to ran to tan to tap to nap to  
snap to slap to lap to laps to maps
 New Concept 

 Short I practice in words in CVC words. 

KinderLiteracy: Presidents
The kids will hear the story of The Whitehouse by Jen Arena.
They will also view A President's Job.
The comprehension strategy: Connections

 Handwriting: Upper/Lowercase Gg & Simple Sentence
Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs

KinderMath: Numbers 80-100

First, the kids take a 100’s chart that has been cut it into pieces and put it back together. Next, they will do a variety of activities that represent the numbers 80-100.

                                                               Phy Ed
D.E.A.R time today: 1:05
                      Social Studies: George Washington
The kiddos will be introduced to our first president hear a story about his life. After the story, we will complete a directed drawing of him.
One Book One School 

~Read Ch. 13 of Winter According to Humphrey. Click here for the online reader. We are currently in second place behind Mrs. Jost's second graders! Keep reading!

~Have your child dress up like any Disney Frozen character tomorrow!
~We have the cutest geriatric kinders along with lots of kids adorned in sweats and slippers!

~Rockin' out with Grandma Tongen! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Wednesday, February 19

Wednesday, February 19

Weather Related Late Start!
Some activities we have planned...
100 Days of School By: Trudy Harris
Kindergarten Count to 100 By: Jacqueline Rogers
~Trying to stay silent for 100 seconds...This is challenging for any kindergartener!
~Counting to 100 by doing different movements for every group of 10.
~Jump 100 times.
~100 lollipop licks while their partner crosses off a number on a hundred chart each time a lick is made.
~Sentence mix & fix: It is the 100th Day!
~Writing activity: When I am 100 years old, I will __________.
~100 Day Counting by 10's book.
~Singing 100th Day songs.
~This or That...a movement activity that asks the kids different questions such as whether they would like to eat 100 hot dogs or 100 hamburgers or swim with 100 dolphins or 100 sharks, etc.
~Building a life-size 100 puzzle on the floor.
~Decorating a 100 Day headband.

Computer Class Today

One Book One School 

~Read Ch. 12 of Winter According to Humphrey. Click here for the online reader. 

Music Today

~The kids and I had a great time celebrating Valentine's Day!
~Thank you to Kaitlyn Helmbrecht (School Board Chairman) who read to us last Friday. 
~Mrs. Tongen will not be in school today but Grandma Tongen will be...she looks
A LOT like her great granddaughter!
~Grandma Tongen wishes her elderly kinders a very happy 100th day!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Tuesday, February 18

Tuesday, February 18
*Stay warm!*

One Book One School 

~Read Ch. 11 of Winter According to Humphrey. Click here for the online reader. 

~We will celebrate our 100th day tomorrow.
~If your child isn't dressing up as an elderly person tomorrow, it's Sweats & Slippers Day as well!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Friday, February 14

Friday, February 14
KinderLiteracy: Enemy Pie
The kids will work on sequencing and retelling the story.
Image result for literacy stations icon Literacy Jobs 

Phy Ed 

Valentine Math
~Candy heart measuring
~Candy heart graphing    

Today's special snack will be a Love Treat! 😉  

~The kids will open valentines this afternoon. I'm pretty sure this will be the best part of their day! 

 It's time to go shopping at the Irish Pride Store this afternoon!
One Book One School 

~Read Ch. 10 of Winter According to Humphrey over the weekend. Need someone else to read a chapter? Click here! 


~There is no school on Monday, January 17 in observance of Presidents Day. 
~Yesterday's guest readers were Christy (Austin's mom)

and Mrs. Harlan...thank you!

Enjoy the weekend!