Thursday, January 30, 2025

Friday, January 31

Friday, January 31
Happy Birthday, Emmett! 

 Handwriting: Number 15
 Image result for literacy stations icon
Literacy Jobs
Kindermath: Positional Words
Today's lesson focuses on positional words, so I will have them stand next to a table/chair and follow my prompts as they stand next to, under, on, etc.
After engaging in this activity, we will wrap up the shape unit by making a fun positional shape monster.  

 Peter from The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats made with shaving cream & glue.

We will be watching The Snowman movie this afternoon. The entire story is told through music.

  Phy Ed Today 

~It was so nice to chat with all of you at conferences....Thank you for coming!
~Please go here to be a volunteer reader during I Love to Read Month. Thank you!
~The kids will be making their own Valentine bags at school.
Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, January 30

Thursday, January 30


Word Work with Manipulative Letters 
(Deleting, adding, or changing ONE letter to make a new word.)
six to fix to fox to box to ox to ax to max to tax to wax to wag to wig to 
 to beg to bet to net to next
 Irregular Words: look, book, are, was    NEW: you
      Read: Are you next?
                         Lex can fix the box.
                      Did Max text you?
Spell: Lex has six cats.
          Look at Dax flex!
          Did you text me?

KinderLiteracy: The Snowy Day  
The kids will work on sequencing and retelling the story. 

 Handwriting: Number 14
*We didn't get to this yesterday.

 Writer's Workshop: Nametags
Using our nametag day #2 for labeling. Again, their nametag is a great resource tool to use when trying to remember certain letters for writing. They will be using this to label a picture that they will draw for science today.

Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs
KinderMath: Comparing Solid & Flat Shapes
This lesson will have children feeling for flat/solid shapes. Student pairs will play Guess the Shape with their partner. “Simon says get a shape that has three equal sides,” or “Simon says get a shape that has no sides AND can roll.” Is the shape flat or solid?" How many sides do you feel? Does the shape have any corners? Is the shape round or straight? Would the shape roll or stack? 

Music Today

Pushes & Pulls: How Could You Invent a Trap?
In this Read-Along lesson, twins Mimi and Lulu try different ways to catch a mysterious nighttime visitor…until they hit on just the right solution. The lesson includes a short exercise where students imagine how to design a good monster trap, and then pretend to be sneaky monsters. 
~I am looking forward to visiting with those of you who are scheduled for conferences this evening! 
~I am looking for volunteer readers during I Love to Read Month! Please go here to sign-up for a time. Thank you! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Wednesday, January 29

Wednesday, January 29

 Phonemic Awareness 
Blend: fox, six, flex, next
 Segment: ax, box, tux, text
 Visual Drill
      Graphemes:  y, j, w, l, r, h, k, s (/s/, /z/), e, b, g, u, c, d, o, n, i, f, p, t
Auditory Drill
 Phonemes:  y, j, w, l, r, h, k (c, k), s (/s/, /z/), e, b
Blending Drill 
yam to yap to yip to yup to yep to yelp to help to held to weld to welp to welt to  wet tyet tyest to wet
 New Concept 
     Letter x /ks/
KinderLiteracy: The Snowy Day  
We will be rereading parts of the book to answer some text-dependent questions.
Please view the photo below...

 Handwriting: Number 14

Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs
KinderMath: Composing Simple Shapes
The kids will work with two-dimensional shapes to create a larger 2D shape.

Library Today

Time for Kids: Let's Celebrate!
Computer Class Today

 Phy Ed Today 

~The February lunch menu that you will receive does not have the Newton Meal listed. It WILL be available everyday.
~I am looking for volunteer readers during I Love to Read Month! Please go here to sign-up for a time. Thank you!

Tuesday, January 28

  Tuesday, January 28


Word Work with Manipulative Letters 
(Deleting, adding, or changing ONE letter to make a new word.)
yes to yep to yet to jet to wet to west to rest to best to bet to get to gut to gum
 to sum to yum
 Irregular Words: from, look, book, are, was
      Read: "Yum!" said Wes.
                         He did not tag me yet.
                             Did he get the book yet?
Spell: Rob said yes!
           The yaks rest.
                        The dogs yip and yap.

KinderLiteracy: The Snowy Day  
We will focus on the vocabulary words within the story (piled, path, pretend, sank, firm) and answer these questions:
1) Where does the story take place?
2) Who are the main characters?
3) What is the problem

 Handwriting: Number 13

 Writer's Workshop: Nametags
To help the children label their illustrations, we will focus on using our table nametags that have the alphabet on them as a resource. Again, I will model how to stretch out the words as the children help to write them.

Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs
KinderMath: Flat Shapes in the Real World
The kids will go on a shape hunt around our classroom and illustrate one item for each of the four flat shapes: circle, triangle, square, rectangle. 
Music Today

~I am looking forward to visiting with those of you who are scheduled for conferences this evening! 
~I am looking for volunteer readers during I Love to Read Month! Please go here to sign-up for a time. Thank you! 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Monday, January 27

Monday, January 27


 Phonemic Awareness 
Blend: yet, yes, yaks, yelp
 Segment: yes, yak, yum, yap
 Visual Drill
      Graphemes:  j, w, l, r, h, k, s (/s/, /z/), e, b, g, u, c, d, o, n, i, f, p, t, m
Auditory Drill
 Phonemes:  j, w, l, r, h, k (c, k), s (/s/, /z/), e, b, g
Blending Drill 
jab to jabs to jobs to jots to jot to jut to just to jest to rest to west to went to  
wept twet twit to wilt to jilt
 New Concept  
Letter y
KinderLiteracy: The Snowy Day  
The kids will listen to The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats.
The topic this week: snow.
The comprehension strategy worked on this week is Connections.

 Handwriting: Number 12
Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs  

Math: Looking Closer at Hexagons
Honey the Hexagon will help the kids count the sides and corners of a hexagon. The kids will expand their knowledge of hexagons by exploring with a game called Fill the Hexagon using pattern blocks. They will roll a cube that has the flat shapes drawn on it and whatever shape it lands on is placed inside the hexagon. 
The kids will also have time to use Geoboards/Geobands to build shapes as shown in the photo below. 

 Writer's Workshop: Characters and Setting
I will draw a setting of a park and add a character that is sad. Next, I will model out loud that I need to think of a story of why the character is sad. The kids will come up with the ideas and I will label a few of their thoughts on my picture. Lastly, the kids will draw their own setting ONLY today because it can be overwhelming to be asked to draw so many objects and then label their picture. They will save their work and label another day.
 Phy Ed Today  

~We enjoyed celebrating with Brinley last week...

~ Conferences begin tomorrow evening. I'm looking forward to chatting with all of you!
~I am looking for volunteer readers during I Love to Read Month! Please go here to sign-up for a time. Thank you!