Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Wednesday, January 22

Wednesday, January 22

Word Work with Manipulative Letters 
(Deleting, adding, or changing ONE letter to make a new word.)
jet to jot to job to jog to jug to bug to bag to wag to wig to jig to Jim to jam
 to Jan 
 Irregular Words: from, look, book, are   NEW: was
Read: Jeb and I jog.
                   He got me red jam.
                     I was just a bit mad.
Spell: Jan got the job!
           The jet was fast.
             Did Jon jump up?
KinderLiteracy: Ron's Big Mission
We will focus on the vocabulary words within the story (important, nervous, serious, budge, tucked) and answer these questions:
1) Where does the story take place?
2) Who are the main characters?
3) What happened at the beginning, middle, and end of the story. 

 Handwriting: Number 10

Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs
KinderMath: A Closer Look at Circles and Triangles 
We will begin the lesson by talking about the differences between the circle and triangle and then the kids will look around the classroom for things that are shaped as circles and triangles.
We will review the attributes of a circle and triangle and illustrate several different triangles on the board. The kids 
will work to sort shape cards into a category displaying triangles and another category that are not triangles.

MLK ActivityThis activity will show the kids that even though we look different on the outside, all of us look the same on the inside.  

Library Today
Computer Class Today

 Phy Ed Today 

~Rise & Read RSVPs are due tomorrow.

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