Sunday, January 26, 2025

Monday, January 27

Monday, January 27


 Phonemic Awareness 
Blend: yet, yes, yaks, yelp
 Segment: yes, yak, yum, yap
 Visual Drill
      Graphemes:  j, w, l, r, h, k, s (/s/, /z/), e, b, g, u, c, d, o, n, i, f, p, t, m
Auditory Drill
 Phonemes:  j, w, l, r, h, k (c, k), s (/s/, /z/), e, b, g
Blending Drill 
jab to jabs to jobs to jots to jot to jut to just to jest to rest to west to went to  
wept twet twit to wilt to jilt
 New Concept  
Letter y
KinderLiteracy: The Snowy Day  
The kids will listen to The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats.
The topic this week: snow.
The comprehension strategy worked on this week is Connections.

 Handwriting: Number 12
Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs  

Math: Looking Closer at Hexagons
Honey the Hexagon will help the kids count the sides and corners of a hexagon. The kids will expand their knowledge of hexagons by exploring with a game called Fill the Hexagon using pattern blocks. They will roll a cube that has the flat shapes drawn on it and whatever shape it lands on is placed inside the hexagon. 
The kids will also have time to use Geoboards/Geobands to build shapes as shown in the photo below. 

 Writer's Workshop: Characters and Setting
I will draw a setting of a park and add a character that is sad. Next, I will model out loud that I need to think of a story of why the character is sad. The kids will come up with the ideas and I will label a few of their thoughts on my picture. Lastly, the kids will draw their own setting ONLY today because it can be overwhelming to be asked to draw so many objects and then label their picture. They will save their work and label another day.
 Phy Ed Today  

~We enjoyed celebrating with Brinley last week...

~ Conferences begin tomorrow evening. I'm looking forward to chatting with all of you!
~I am looking for volunteer readers during I Love to Read Month! Please go here to sign-up for a time. Thank you!

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