Tuesday, February 23
Happy Summer Birthday, Sabrina! (June 21)
Sight Word Focus: not

Phonemic Awareness: Manipulating Medial Sounds
rat to rot, tip to tap, etc.
Long Vowel o: Our focus will be on long vowel o words with Bossy e at the end.
Writer's Workshop: Sequential Words
Today we are focusing on words that help put a story in order: first, next, then, and last.
Literacy Jobs ~Book Club will not be in session this week as I will be assessing for report cards during this time. Your child will be able to read books from their book box throughout the week.

Computer class today
Math: Counting By 10'sTo begin the lesson, I will read the story Toasty Toes by Michael Dahl to focus on counting by 10’s. I will have 10 kids come to the front of the room and put out their hands and start counting by 1’s. I will act frustrated and say that this is too tedious. Is there an easier way we can count all these fingers? Hopefully the kids will encourage me to count by 2’s, 5’s, or 10’s. Next, the kids will have time to explore counting to 100 by 10’s in a hands-on way. They will count out 10 objects onto their ten frame, then transfer their ten frame to a small paper plate. They will continue counting out the 10 sets of objects until all 10 paper plates are filled. They will then go back through and count the plates by 10’s to 100.
PhyEd Today 
~Wahoo! Our class logged 1,104 reading minutes this past week!
~Wellness Wednesday is tomorrow