Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Wednesday, April 19

Wednesday, April 19

Guided Phonics: Blends gr, pr, tr (Day 1)
~Identifying sounds
~Word building sounds:  gr, pr, tr

KinderLiteracy: Storms
The kids are answering these questions today...
 Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs 
 Library Today
KinderWriting: Authors Write Class Books
Each child will illustrate and write I see ______. on a page to be put into a class book. 
Math: Subtraction with Fingers
Fingers are very useful at a young age to see an abstract concept such as subtraction become a concrete visual for 'taking away'. The kids will be practicing a variety of subtraction statements such as this:
There are 4 apples in the apple tree  (put up 4 fingers) 2 apples fall off the tree. (take down two fingers) How many are left? 4 apples take away 2 apples is 2!
They will also learn another finger technique called 'Touch and Count Back’. Let’s say there were 7 birds in the tree and 3 birds flew away. I’m going to touch my head to keep 7 in my brain and count back 3 using three fingers. 7 (touch head)…6, 5, 4 (counting using your three fingers to hold a place for each bird that flew away). 
7 take away 3 is 4! 
I have 5 shirts and 2 get dirty.  How many are clean?  I will put 5 in my brain and then count back 2!  5….4, 3 (holding up one finger for each dirty shirt). 3 shirts are clean.”  This concept can be VERY difficult for some and will take lots of modeling. 
Time for Kids: From Scraps to Soil
We care about our Earth!
Today, the kids will hear the story of Travis Trash & Recycle Ron, two boys who have very different views on caring for our earth. 
PE Today

~Sorry for the short notice...your child's water bottle will come home with them today for washing. I have been washing them at school but getting crunched on time in order to do it. Please return it tomorrow! Thank you!!

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