Sunday, February 2, 2025

Monday, February 3

Monday, February 3


 Phonemic Awareness 
Blend: quit, quick, quilt, squid
 Segment: queen, quit, quest, squid
 Visual Drill
      Graphemes:  x, y, j, w, l, r, h, k, s (/s/, /z/), e, b, g, u, c, d, o, n, i, f, p
Auditory Drill
 Phonemes:  x, y, j, w, l, r, h, k (c, k), s (/s/, /z/), e
Blending Drill 
fox to pox to ox to ex to Lex to lax to Jax to wax to wag to lag to lap to  
yap tyip tsip to six to nix
 New Concept  
Letter Q 
KinderLiteracy: Bear's Loose Tooth 
The kids will listen to Bear's Loose Tooth by Karma Wilson.
The topic this week: Dental Health
The comprehension strategy worked on this week is Inferring.

 Handwriting: Number 16

Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs  
There are new jobs waiting for the kids...
~CVC Word Search
~Groundhog Write the Room
~Sentence Construction: Build & Write
~Magic Painting: High Frequency Words
~Real/Nonsense Words 

 KinderMath: Numbers to 100
*We begin a new unit today called Numbers to 100 with today's lesson focusing on counting by 2's. 

A stack of 20 unmatched socks will be placed in the middle of our circle. "How many socks do I have? Can I know without counting? How many socks do you need to put on your shoes? When we have two of something we call this a pair or a match." After making the 10 sets of pairs, we will go back and count the socks one-by-one. "Remember Mathematicians always want to get to an answer the most efficient way possible! I will count them by 2’s. When we count by 2’s, we are skip-counting."  I will show the kids how to “whisper” count to 20 by whispering the skipped number and “shouting” the numbers counted by 2’s. For example, 1 (whisper), 2 (shout), 3 (whisper), 4 (shout), etc.

Zero the Hero visits today...Day 90!   

Dental Health
First I will read, I Know Why I Brush My Teeth by Kate Rowan and discuss the importance of having a clean mouth. Next, the kids will become 'teeth' and stand close together so I can 'floss' between them with a piece of yarn. 

     Music Today  

One Book One School
~Read Ch. 1 of Winter According to Humphrey to your child tonight!
Each day I will ask your child a question from the chapter and keep track of our class total of correct answers. At the end of the month, the class that has the most correct answers wins a special prize!

~Watch for a book bag in your child's backpack today or tomorrow. It will come home twice a week so be sure to check their backpacks for it! 
~See you tomorrow morning for Rise & Read...don't forget to wear a hat, scarf and bring a blanket and books to read!
~Friendly reminder: The February lunch menu does not have the Newton Meal listed. It WILL be available everyday.
  ~We still have plenty of room for volunteer readers during I Love to Read Month! Sign 
up here for a time. Thank you!
~We enjoyed celebrating with Emmett last week...

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