Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Thursday, February 13

  Thursday, February 13

Word Work
(Deleting, adding, or changing ONE letter to make a new word.)
an to fan to man to pan to Pam to am to yam to ham to jam to Jan to tan to can to ran to ram to Sam
 Irregular Words Reviewthe, I, a, said
                   Read: I am Sam.
                                          The man has jam.
                                            Dan and I ran a lap.
                 Spell: I am Jan.
                                The man ran.
                                           Pam and I can nap. 

 Upper/Lowercase C Stroke Letters (Oo)
Word & Sentence Spacing

KinderLiteracy: Enemy Pie
The kids will illustrate a recipe for a sandwich and someone who is surprised.

 Writer's Workshop: Capital Letter
Today's lesson focuses on beginning a sentence with a capital letter.

  KinderMath: Numbers 50-79  
The kids will explore a 100's chart and take note of certain aspects. What do you notice about the numbers going across this row? All of the numbers have a 5 in them. Find the number 52 on your 100's chart. When finding 52, I know I find the number that shows 5 tens and 2 extras. Next, the kids will be directed in ordering numbers 50-79. The numbers 54, 62, and 71 will be written on the board. What number could I look at to help me order these? Should I look at the tens or the extras?  Last, each pair will get the number cards 50-79 to put in order. 
Sunlight & Warmth: How could you warm up a frozen playground?
In this lesson, students think about their experiences with hot and cold weather, and learn about a real city where the sun never shines in winter. In the activity, Chill City, students experiment with different types of materials (opaque, transparent, and reflective) to figure out how to reflect light. They use this to bring light and warmth to an imaginary paper town.
Music Today
D.E.A.R time today: 1:05

One Book One School 

~Read Ch. 9 of Winter According to Humphrey for tonight. Click here to have someone read it. 

~Have your child wear red tomorrow.
~Irish Acres playground T-shirt orders are due tomorrow.
~Yesterday's guest readers were Georgie (Caden's mom)

and Ashley (Bennett's mom)...thank you!

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