Thursday, October 27
Letter Focus: Mm
Sight Word Focus: to
Handwriting: Letter M
Reading Skills
We are rereading the Three Little Pigs to build fluency and develop "Tier Two Vocabulary" by focusing in on sound words (slammed, knocked, whispered, bump, thump, splash). We will also create a list of things we would ask the wolf if we were a pig.
Writer's Workshop: Writing is 'Telling on Paper'
We will continue to build the framework for writing by allowing the kids to see me model how to stretch out words and put those sounds on paper. There are 3 key points to help children do this:
DAILY 5: Three Ways to Read a Book
We have learned two ways to read a book: retelling and look at the pictures. Today, we learn that we can see words that we may know or figure out by sounding them out, or connecting it to the pictures. It's exciting to let you know that the kids made it 4 minutes in uninterrupted 'Read to Self' time yesterday. It may not seem very long but for k-kids, it's huge!
Math: Number Order
Today we are going to talk about ordering numbers. First I want to lay my number cards (1 - 5) out in order. Lay the cards out randomly and use the math vocabulary as you rearrange them in order. “2 is more than 1, 3 is fewer than 5.” Embedding this language will help students contextualize this vocabulary for future use. I want to be sure I put them in the right order, so I will need to go back and recount to make sure they are right. Now I want to start building trains of cubes to match the number I have. So for 1, I will just lay down one cube. For 2, I know that 2 is 1 more, so I will snap 2 cubes together. I know that 3 is one more than 2, so I will need 3 cubes. Continue until you have trains laid out for 1-5.
Whole Group Explore: Today, you and your partner will make number trains for 1 - 5. You will get to be a little creative. Instead of using cubes, your partner and you will use leaves. You will color and cut the leaves out and create a leaf train.
Student Application: Students will complete their own leaf train response sheet to match the one they created with their partner.
PhyEd Day
Our Classroom Wish List
Cardstock Paper: Any Color
Page Protectors
Christmas wrapping paper & gift tags (prepping for next play center)