Sight Word Focus: be
KinderLiteracy: Koala Lou
The kids will listen to Koala Lou by Mem Fox to build an interest in the topic for this week: Mothers/Koalas.
The comprehension strategy worked on this week is Connections.
Story Elements: Problem/Solution
KinderPhonics: Short Vowel Sound ReviewPhonemic Awareness: Deleting Phonemes
Delete the sound to make a new word: Mice (delete m): ice; Dart (delete d): art Writer's Workshop: Starting with a Hook
This lesson helps the children think about starting their story with words that capture a reader right away. Words like Whee! Ouch! Yowza!
At this point, their 'story' is only one, two or three sentences long. :)Literacy Jobs
KinderMath: Numbers 20-29
Today’s lesson focuses on the first of a few lessons that will seem to be duplicates of each other. Kindergarten students need A LOT of hands-on work to understand numbers to 100. We want to make sure the kids have a FIRM understanding of a “ten” so when they see 45 they see 4 tens and 5 extras.
Build Numbers to 29: For this activity, the kids use 29 snap cubes and build TWO 10 sticks. The rest of the cubes will be added to the two 10 sticks for each number l give them to create. They will build each number in the 20's as I say it. (Numbers will be stated out of order.)Phy Ed
~Late start tomorrow. Wear your Irish Pride shirt!
~The book order is due on Wednesday.
~Remember to record your stories on the Readopoly board!
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