Thursday, September 28, 2023
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Thursday, September 28
Word Work: none
An irregular word is one that cannot be readily decoded because either
1) It includes grapheme-phoneme correspondences that are unique to that
word or a few words (permanently irregular words), or
2) The student has not yet learned all the grapheme-phoneme
correspondences in the word (temporarily irregular words).
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Wednesday, September 27
Wednesday, September 27
Happy Birthday Harlyn!
Step 1: Phonemic Awareness
Step 2: Visual Drill
Step 4: Blending Drill
Step 5: Review New Concept From Previous Day
Step 6: Word Work
Step 8: Connected Text
Today's Lesson...
Blending Drill: none today
I will reread parts of A Tree for All Seasons so the children can answer text-dependent questions like the ones below:
~Explain how a tree looks in the winter.
~What does the author tell us about trees providing for us?
~What can we infer about the animals we see on page 3?
As we did yesterday, the kids will look at another picture on the SmartBoard and use their 'math talk' to tell what differences they see. Next, I will call pairs of students to stand so that we can see what is different about them. (One is a boy, one is a girl; one has brown hair, one has blonde hair, etc.)
~Again, if you have a spare yellow apple at home, we could use some for an activity next week.
~There still a few open volunteer spots available for the Book Fair. Thank you!
~How to pronounce the 44 phonemes.
Monday, September 25, 2023
Tuesday, September 26
The children have been introduced to A LOT of consonant and vowel sounds and where/how the sounds are made. Today, we will review all of them with particular focus on producing them in the correct place and manner of articulation.
**We will also practice making letters with slanted and straight lines: Y, Z
Handwriting: ez Across Review
We will review the three ez Across starting points on the handwriting lines.
~ Z and 7 start on the "top line"
~ z on the "middle line"
~ e on the "middle of the downstairs"
Again, using the story, A Tree for All Seasons, the kids will answer simple recall questions such as: What is the job of an author/illustrator? Is this a fiction or nonfiction book? What is a fact we learned about the seasons? We will clarify the vocabulary words within the story (bare, cozy, bud, collect, chilly).
Phy Ed today
~The kids will learn about bicycle safety with follow up questions for discussion.
~If you have a spare yellow apple at home, we could use some for an activity next week.
~Tomorrow is library day. Please have your child return their book if they haven't done so already.
~We are in need of volunteers for the book fair! Sign up here if you can help. Thank you!
How to pronounce the 44 phonemes.
~This will explain how it is done at school and for practice at home. Your child should practice these everyday until all the phonemes are pronounced automatically. Dialect across the nation can affect the way some phonemes are pronounced. The phoneme /r/ presented in this video should be skipped over and modeled by you. Toward the end of the video, the Schwa sound is explained.
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Monday, September 25
Diphthongs: These sounds change from one mouth position to another: /ow/, /oi/
R-Controlled: These sounds combine with a /r/ sound: /ar/, /er/, /or/
Schwa: A relaxed vowel sound that is unstressed: again-pronounced 'uh'gain
**The kids will also practice making letters with slanted lines: V, W, X
Handwriting: ez Across
A horizontal line starting on the left.
(We did not get to this on Friday.)
Today, the children will roll a dot cube, count the dots and write the number. If time allows, we will act out the story Five Little Ducks.
~The kids will learn about pedestrian safety with follow up questions for discussion.
How to pronounce the 44 phonemes.
~This will explain how it is done at school and for practice at home. Your child should practice these everyday until all the phonemes are pronounced automatically. Dialect across the nation can affect the way some phonemes are pronounced. The phoneme /r/ presented in this video should be skipped over and modeled by you. Toward the end of the video, the Schwa sound is explained.
Friday, September 22, 2023
Friday, September 22
The mouth position when producing vowel sounds goes from a small opening to a large opening then back to a small opening. This is referred to as a Vowel Valley. Vowel sounds where the tongue is high and at the front of the mouth move to the vowels where the tongue is low in the middle, and finally to the vowels where the tongue is high and at the back. This picture shows our classroom Vowel Valley sound wall.
Mrs. Weninger will be here this morning to read Have You Filled a Bucket Today? This book helps children see how our actions and words can be helpful or hurtful.
This lesson focuses on being able to state a quantity regardless of the arrangement or position of items. For instance, a group of 5 blocks (lined up, placed in a circle, stacked) is still 5.
The kids will not have Phy Ed today. We are going to the pepfest in the high school during this time...It's going to be exciting, loud, and fun!
Bus Safety
~Stay out of the Danger Zone~
Project: The kids will make a school bus to hang in our hallway.