Phonemic Awareness
Blend: fuse, rude, mute, tube
Segment: use, June, cute, dude
Visual Drill
Graphemes: e (short, long), o (short, long), i (short, long), a (short, long) nk, ng, wh, ph, ch, th, sh, ck, ff, ll, ss, zz, s (s, z) u
Auditory Drill
Phonemes: e (long), o (long), a (long), i (long), nk, ng, ch, th (voiced/unvoiced) sh, k (c, k, ck), u, e, o
Blending Drill
tan to can to cane to case to came to tame to time to Tim to til to tile to mile to pile to pole to pose to chose to those to these
New Concept
Reading and spelling words with the U_E pattern.
New Concept
Reading and spelling words with the U_E pattern.
KinderLiteracy: Chickens
The kids will listen to Chickens by David Schwartz to build an interest in the topic for this week: Chicken Life Cycle
~The final week of individual assessments will be happening during this time.
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