Phonemic AwarenessBlend: let, rest, left, sled
Segment: get, pets, best, step
Visual Drill
Graphemes: u, o, i, a, m, s (/s/, /z/), t, p, f, n, d, c, g, b, k, h, r, l, w, j, y, x, qu, v, z
Auditory Drill
Phonemes: u, o, i, a, k, r, l, w, j, y, x, qu, v, zBlending Drill
must to rust to runt to bunt to bun to bug to lug to plug to plum to glum to
gum to hum to him to his to has to hat to hot
New Concept
Short E practice in words with consonant clusters.
Library Day!
We continue to review combos to 5. The children will be playing Spill the Cup. The cup contains 5 red/yellow counters (as pictured below). They will record the results after each 'spill' to see how many landed on red and yellow to make 5. These results will be put into a 'Make 5 Book".
~Have your child wear as much green as possible for Leap Day tomorrow!
~Thank you to Maleah for reading to us yesterday...
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