Thursday, March 6, 2025

Friday, March 7

Friday, March 7

Today's featured Dr. Seuss book is Green Eggs and Ham
 Writer's Workshop: Writer's Make a Plan
Using the heart map they made yesterday, the kids will choose one thing to write about and think of a story idea about that. They will then draw a beginning, middle and end for that idea.

 We are making real green eggs and ham this afternoon! 

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 Handwriting: Upper/Lowercase Mm, Sentence & Irregular (Heart) Words
KinderMath: Combining Sets up to 10
This lesson builds the foundation of combining sets (addition). We won't be using any addition symbols in this lesson but the kids will be working together to combine simple sets. 
EX: 3 bears and 4 apples make 7 in all...5 bears and 3 blocks make 8 in all.
Image result for music clipartMusic Today
~Thank you to Skylar (Austin's dad) for sharing a story with us yesterday!
~The book order is due Wednesday, March 12. Order here.  
Have a fabulous weekend!    

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Thursday, March 6

Thursday, March 6

Today's featured Dr. Seuss book is Fox in Socks.

Word Work with Manipulative Letters 
yes to yet to wet to west to rest to nest to best to bent to bend to end to and to band
to land to hand to sand to send to sent to went 
 Irregular Wordsyou, what, have
         Read: I have to be at the end.
                          What did you send to Ben?
                             Did you get a text from Jen?
Spell: Meg can be next.
                 I have the best belt!
                      What tent did you get?
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 Handwriting: Upper/Lowercase Nn & Rhyming Words
 Writer's Workshop: Heart Map
We begin a new Narrative unit in writing today. Our first lesson focuses on how writers draw things that are important to them. To generate ideas, each child will get a picture of a heart and draw and label things they love. 

  KinderMath: Find Differences of Sets to 20 
In today’s lesson, the kids will be working on stating how many the difference between two sets of 20 is. For this activity, each pair will need two baggies of items-each filled with a different number of items. We will model dumping out a bag of bears and a bag of tiles where the tiles can be “matched” to the bears. We will demonstrate lining them up and determining how many FEWER is seen of one set. This will be modeled 2-3 more times and then the partners will do the same, but record their answers on the recording sheet as shown below.

 Phy Ed Today

Project: Designing Socks for the Fox

~PTA Bingo Fun Night is tonight...A BIG thank you to those who were able to donate gift cards for tonight's event! 
~The book order is due Wednesday, March 12. 
Order here.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Wednesday, March 5

Wednesday, March 5

Today's featured Dr. Seuss book is One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.

 Phonemic Awareness 
Blend: let, rest, left, sled
 Segment: get, pets, best, step
 Visual Drill
      Graphemes: u, o, i, a, m, s (/s/, /z/), t, p, f, n, d, c, g, b, k, h, r, l, w, j, y, x, qu, v, z
Auditory Drill
 Phonemes: u, o, i, a, k, r, l, w, j, y, x, qu, v, z 
Blending Drill 
must to rust to runt to bunt to bun to bug to lug to plug to plum to glum to  
gum to hum thim this to has to hat to hot 
 New Concept 
           Short E practice in words with consonant clusters.
Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs   


 Handwriting: Upper/Lowercase Dd, Sentence, Numbers
 KinderMath: Find Differences of Sets to 10
In today’s lesson, the kids will be going further than simply comparing two sets as more or less. They will be working on stating how many the difference between two sets is. For this activity, each pair will need two sets of number cards 1-10 and 20 snap cubes. Each partner will pull a card and build that amount of cubes. Students will then “make friends” with their cubes so they can easily see how many more/fewer. Again, the kids will focus on stating the amount that the difference is. (To make it more fun, the kids will use colored Goldfish crackers instead of cubes. This goes along nicely with today's Dr. Suess book.)

                                   Library Today

Time for Kids: Animal Groups
Computer Class Today
Project: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Image result for music clipartMusic Today

~The book order is due Wednesday, March 12.
~Tomorrow night is Bingo Fun Night!
~Have your child wear wacky socks tomorrow for Fox in Socks Day!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Tuesday, March 4

Tuesday, March 4

Today's featured Dr. Seuss book is The Cat in the Hat Comes Back.

Word Work with Manipulative Letters 
stud to stub to tub to tubs to rubs to ribs to rib to rob to rot to rut to rust to dust
to gust to gut to rut to rug to lug to slug to plug
 Irregular Wordslook, book, are, was
    Read: Look at the fast slug.
                         Was there rust on the lamp?
                             The drum set has a lot of dust.
Spell: Look at the cubs.
                 The bug did not jump.
                      He was on a run at dusk.
Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs  
New Jobs:
Mix & Fix CVC Words
March Themed Write the Room
~Sentence Building
~Simple Words Search & Find 

 Handwriting: Upper/Lowercase Bb, Simple Sentence & Rhyming Words
 Writer's Workshop: Let's Celebrate Labeling!
The kids have worked hard to learn how to label their illustrations so it's time to celebrate! We will share our writing with each other and have a dance party!
 KinderMath: One More, One Less
Most of the children are confident with one more but less confident with one less. This lesson will help increase their confidence with this concept.
• Activity One: Pairs will work together ordering numeral cards (9-20) needed for activity two.
• Activity Two: Commands will be said like, “Find the number that is one more than 12. Find the number that is one less than 20.”
Activity Three: Pairs will need these number cards and 40 snap cubes. The kids will place a number in the middle. One partner will show the set that is ONE LESS using cubes, and the other partner will show a set that is ONE MORE with cubes.
Image result for cat in the hat projects Project: The Cat in the Hat

 Phy Ed Today

~PTA Bingo Fun Night is this Thursday!
~Any gift card/gift certificate you can donate toward the PTA Baskets of Chance fundraiser is greatly appreciated...they are due tomorrow.
~It was a SEUSSTASTICAL day of fun yesterday...The Cat in the Hat and Things 1 and 2 sure enjoyed themselves! We will continue to do Seuss-themed activities the rest of the week.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Monday, March 3

Monday, March 3
Cat in the Hat Day!
~The kids will be taught by The Cat in the Hat today! Your child will choose if they want to be Thing 1 or Thing 2 and become students of the cat!

 Phonemic Awareness 
Blend: runs, slug, must, stun 
 Segment: cuts, hugs, jump, dust
 Visual Drill
      Graphemes: o, i, a, m, s (/s/, /z/), t, p, f, n, d, c, g, b, k, h, r, l, w, j, y, x, qu, v, z
Auditory Drill
 Phonemes: o, i, a, k, r, l, w, j, y, x, qu, v, z 
Blending Drill 
pot to spot to slot to slob to sob to cob to cot to cost to lost to last to list to 
 mist tmint tlint to lit to lot to loft to soft
 New Concept 
           Short U practice in words with consonant clusters.

 Handwriting:  Upper/Lowercase Rr, Sentence, & Name

Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs  
New Jobs:
Mix & Fix CVC Words
March Themed Write the Room
~Sentence Building
~Simple Words Search & Find
 Writer's Workshop: Cat in the Hat
~The kids will write about something they liked from the Cat in the Hat story.

KinderMath: Compare Numbers 11-20 

Today’s lesson will focus on students comparing numbers 11-20 again. However, this time the kids will also be focusing on the numeral itself. We will use the same counting book How Many Snails?  to count sets of objects, and write the matching numeral that goes with each set. For example...How many star fish are there? {17} How many dogs are there? {15} Both numbers will be written on the board. The kids will explain their thinking with question probes like, How do you know? and Can you prove that? 

Image result for music clipartMusic Today

Project: Thing 1 and Thing 2
We will make crazy Things 1 and 2 using your child's face!
One Book One School 
Our class took 3rd place for the correct number of answers for each chapter! A popsicle party will be happening in the near future!

~PTA Bingo Fun Night is this Thursday!
~Any gift card/gift certificate you can donate toward the PTA Baskets of Chance fundraiser is greatly appreciated...they are due Wednesday. Thank you!
~Friday's guest reader was Amber (Brinley's mom)...thank you! 

~Just chillin' before the movie started...