Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Wednesday, March 5

Wednesday, March 5

Today's featured Dr. Seuss book is One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.

 Phonemic Awareness 
Blend: let, rest, left, sled
 Segment: get, pets, best, step
 Visual Drill
      Graphemes: u, o, i, a, m, s (/s/, /z/), t, p, f, n, d, c, g, b, k, h, r, l, w, j, y, x, qu, v, z
Auditory Drill
 Phonemes: u, o, i, a, k, r, l, w, j, y, x, qu, v, z 
Blending Drill 
must to rust to runt to bunt to bun to bug to lug to plug to plum to glum to  
gum to hum thim this to has to hat to hot 
 New Concept 
           Short E practice in words with consonant clusters.
Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs   


 Handwriting: Upper/Lowercase Dd, Sentence, Numbers
 KinderMath: Find Differences of Sets to 10
In today’s lesson, the kids will be going further than simply comparing two sets as more or less. They will be working on stating how many the difference between two sets is. For this activity, each pair will need two sets of number cards 1-10 and 20 snap cubes. Each partner will pull a card and build that amount of cubes. Students will then “make friends” with their cubes so they can easily see how many more/fewer. Again, the kids will focus on stating the amount that the difference is. (To make it more fun, the kids will use colored Goldfish crackers instead of cubes. This goes along nicely with today's Dr. Suess book.)

                                   Library Today

Time for Kids: Animal Groups
Computer Class Today
Project: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Image result for music clipartMusic Today

~The book order is due Wednesday, March 12.
~Tomorrow night is Bingo Fun Night!
~Have your child wear wacky socks tomorrow for Fox in Socks Day!

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