Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Thursday, March 6

Thursday, March 6

Today's featured Dr. Seuss book is Fox in Socks.

Word Work with Manipulative Letters 
yes to yet to wet to west to rest to nest to best to bent to bend to end to and to band
to land to hand to sand to send to sent to went 
 Irregular Wordsyou, what, have
         Read: I have to be at the end.
                          What did you send to Ben?
                             Did you get a text from Jen?
Spell: Meg can be next.
                 I have the best belt!
                      What tent did you get?
Image result for literacy stations iconLiteracy Jobs  

 Handwriting: Upper/Lowercase Nn & Rhyming Words
 Writer's Workshop: Heart Map
We begin a new Narrative unit in writing today. Our first lesson focuses on how writers draw things that are important to them. To generate ideas, each child will get a picture of a heart and draw and label things they love. 

  KinderMath: Find Differences of Sets to 20 
In today’s lesson, the kids will be working on stating how many the difference between two sets of 20 is. For this activity, each pair will need two baggies of items-each filled with a different number of items. We will model dumping out a bag of bears and a bag of tiles where the tiles can be “matched” to the bears. We will demonstrate lining them up and determining how many FEWER is seen of one set. This will be modeled 2-3 more times and then the partners will do the same, but record their answers on the recording sheet as shown below.

 Phy Ed Today

Project: Designing Socks for the Fox

~PTA Bingo Fun Night is tonight...A BIG thank you to those who were able to donate gift cards for tonight's event! 
~The book order is due Wednesday, March 12. 
Order here.  

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