Letter Study: Ll
Popcorn Word: an
Phonological Awareness: Segment Initial Sounds: The children identify the beginning sounds in a variety of words.
Segment Compound Words: Two children stand side by side and hold hands to represent a whole word (popcorn). When they are not holding hands, they are two words (pop-corn). We will try this with a variety of compound words.
Arts: Using the big book, About Me By: Jeffrey , the children will build a concept web with me about who they are. They are also working on visualizing while reading, building concepts of print, fluency, and building academic/sight word vocabulary.
A storybook reader is scheduled for 10:10 to read Scaredy-Cat Splash.
We now have three components available for the children to choose from during DAILY 5. Read to Self, Work on Writing, Word Work. Again,
our goal is to do three rounds of Daily 5 where your child chooses a
different component and which activity to do within that component.
Workshop: We continue to work on getting ready for 'true' writing during Writer's Workshop so today we will make an anchor chart of the characteristics of a good listener.
Math: Measurement Towers
The kids compare lengths of a variety of items to a tower of 10 connecting cubes. They record the item under "shorter", "longer", or "about the same." Their work focuses on:
~Directly comparing two objects to determine which is longer.
~Sorting objects into two categories according to length.
~Developing language to describe and compare lengths (long, longer than; short, shorter than; the same, equal to.)
Smart Room Highlight: The children seem to really enjoy the "Black Light" and reading sight words they see glow in the dark.
~Lunch will be in our classroom tomorrow(Tuesday)! Be sure to get your homework in to be able to dine in our classroom!
~Thank you for visiting with me at conferences! I enjoyed chatting about your child and the progress they are making. Please let me know how I can help your child in anyway!
~We have been trying something called padlet in our classroom by communicating to Mrs. Haglin's class through technology. A few of you tried this over break to tell me what you were up to. We will be asking questions and receiving answers through this interactive wall for the remainder of the school year. Be watching for another invitation to write on the padlet coming around Thanksgiving!
Our Classroom Wish List
Cardstock: Primary colors
hp 61 Tri-Color Ink Cartridges
Double AA Batteries
Liquid Hand Soap
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